
Welcome to my blog of dragons.

Saturday 15 January 2011


Hydra have many heads. There are many different types of hydras. Its primary head could never be destroyed by a weapon and if other heads were severed then two would grow back in its place. Hydra's breath had a stench that was capable of killing animal or human and it would emerge itself from the swamp and attack local villages and herds of cattle, devouring them with all of its heads. The middle head is usually the largest.

Fire Drake

The Fire Drakes receive their name from living in the hot climate of volcanoes all over Caelereth. Many have been seen flying around the Norong'Sorno volcano in southern Santharia, this may very well be where the largest concentration of Fire Drakes live.Fire Drakes live to around 150 years of age, however only the strong survive this long because of their aggressive nature against each other. They have a long tail complete with small black spikes from the very tip to where the drake's tail connects to its torso. Mating season begins just after the winter season ends. The males are able to mate once they are between 35-50 years of age. The females are able to become fertilized at around 20-35 years of age. All drakes return to their birthplace, mostly in volcanoes. The male is the aggressor to the smaller, submissive females. In roughly 1 to 2 months the Fire Drake lays between 10 and 20 eggs in burrows that the mother digs inside the cave that the mother and father live in, this keeps them warm enough to require no attention from the mother. The mother and father leave and when the eggs hatch the little Fire Drakes are already alert and can function normally with ease.The Fire Drake like anything else in the world has a weakness. They can not stand water and water mages have very little trouble taking down these fire balls. Also drakes and dragons that have ice or water capabilities often take advantage of the drake's weakness, especially in battles over food. Aside from being a fantastic flyer they can breathe fire which is a unique ability at the least. The flames are fiercely hot like the lava of the volcanoes where the Fire Drake dwells. This particular drale's talons are incredibly sharp and fast, the Fire Drake can tear through its prey in a matter of seconds using its deadly claws.

Friday 14 January 2011

White Dragons

White dragons are small and intelligent. They live in frigid, icy climates — usually arctic areas, but sometimes very high mountains. They travel alone, and have very good memories. They prefer the solitude of snowy plains and caves, far away from the warming rays of the sun. Its scales resemble fur, or even feathers, in places. Its wide feet and sharp claws help him to walk atop snowbanks. An aura of coldness seems to eminate from the white dragon.

Red Dragon

Red dragons are greedy and covetous, and obsessed with increasing their treasure hoards. They live in warm habitats, such as volcanoes or tropical islands. The red dragon's domain is is the mountain and the island. They are vain, cunning, and terrible.
A red dragon can be identified by is long wings and two long horns. They turn very powerful when they are mixed with the power of chaos. It's health doubles and is harder to kill. It has a long, red, forked tongue. Tiny flames often dance in his nostrils when he is angry. His eyes gleam with unrestrained greed when he has seen treasure. He smells of smoke and sulfur.
Red dragons are fiercely territorial. They prefer to eat meat, especially people. Red dragons have been known to force villages to sacrifice maidens to them. (This is a matter of taste. As you would have it, apparently maidens "just taste better.") The best part of a meal for a red dragon is drinking the blood.
Red dragons breathe a deadly fire. If a knight successfully kills one he will be greatly rewarded.

Bronze Dragon

Bronze dragons are powerful, sturdy dragons that possess especially hard scales. Collecting and protecting a splendid hoard of treasure would be the bronze dragon's ultimate dream, to sleep on a pile of treasure roughly the color and size of itself. Their hides are special to dragonslayers.

Dark Dragon

The mysterious Dark Dragon is unlike any of the other dragons seen so far. To most, they appear to be arrogant, stubborn creatures, egocentric even. Most prefer to keep their distance due to their strange, dark appearance.They have a hard time finding others that understand them and their ways. They usually hunt at night. They blow blue flames.


The strong and agile Wyvern’s are competitive from birth. They never tire of challenging others. Courageous and stubborn, almost fearless in a fight they always wish to hold a high position.Wyverns are legendary winged reptilian creature with a dragon's head, the hindquarters of a snake or lizard with two legs or none, and a barbed tail.

Eastern Dragons

The wise and mysterious Eastern’s are the most thoughtful and intelligent among the dragons. They are very peaceful beings. Their bones are used to heal people. Ancient eastern dragons usually leave flying to the younger dragons but when threatened they will fly away.

Western Dragons

Western Dragons:Long bodied, scaly skin, four strong legs, two huge bat-like wings, wedge-shaped heads, and long necks. They are usually pictured as breathing fire. They are sometimes displayed as having a spade or spiked tail. They eat but once a month on a sheep or ox, or even a human (myth says they prefer virgin maidens). They can be any color, or many colors, depending on the breed of the dragon. They are adventurous and daring. Their bones are crushed to heal wounded knights.